July 11 - 20 2025

Aarhus Jazz Festival - day 1
13/7/2024 |
This is it! It is the official opening day of the 36th Aarhus Jazz Festival, and we are looking forward to a whole week of phenomenal jazz experiences.
We begin the day with a free children's concert with Trio Høgsbro, who play Rune T. Kidde's Ækle Jazzede Eventyr in the Musikhuset at 10.00 - and there is a street parade around the city from 11. We start a five-day artist residency with guest artists Emil de Waal and Gustaf Ljunggren, who can be experienced tonight with Frederik Lundin's Overdrive Revisited - and the coming days will play many different places in the festival.
This first Saturday at the Aarhus Jazz Festival you can also experience the Mikkel Ploug Group feat. Loren Stillman, Rudi Mahall's Almost Danish Quartet, Johannes Gammelgaard Quartet + Mikko Innanen and much more - and the day ends with the Late Night Jazz Jam.
See today's full program HERE: https://jazzfest.dk/artists-schedule.php?a=all&d=13&g=all&l=da&o=&t=&v=all#contop
... and read much more about all the fantastic experiences at this year's Aarhus Jazz Festival at www.jazzfest.dk
Fredrik Lundin's Overdrive Revisited - special guest Gustaf Ljunggren. You can experience that concert tonight in Musikhuset
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